Mission Driven Team
We are focused on augmenting people to solve wicked problems in our complex adaptive system.
“We humans have a wide range of abilities that help us perceive and analyze mathematical content. We perceive abstract notions not just through seeing but also by hearing, by feeling, by our sense of body motion and position. Our geometric and spatial skills are highly trainable, just as in other high-performance activities. In mathematics we can use the modules of our minds in flexible ways – even metaphorically. A whole-mind approach to mathematical thinking is vastly more effective than the common approach that manipulates only symbols.”
Our Values
- Small Triggers, Big Effect
- Personalized Understanding
- Shared Objectivity
- Emergence
- Continuous Discovery
- Mutually Profitable Steps
small triggers can transform an autonomous system (natural and/or artificial) and/or the complex adaptive system.
each autonomous system should be understood from their own personalized lens not generalities.
solving wicked problems require shared objectivity (between a set of personalized lenses) of the complex adaptive system not reduced facets nor expert bias.
indispensable value is created by gluing The Foundation-to-future partner technologies & tools enabling deeper insights (trigger-to-pattern) of the complex adaptive system.
in order to continuously improve certainty of trigger to pattern forward projection, discovery is at the edge (chaotic and dark signals) not from codified nor knowable sciences.
creating mutually profitable steps to wicked solutions is the only winning course.
Our Awards

Our Team

Greg Tsutaoka
Co-founder & President

Tiara Womack
Co-founder & Vice President

Nathaniel Thurston
Co-founder & Inventor

Vince Corvo

Andrew Yarmola

Tom Crawford

David Rideout
Core Engineering

Len Vishnevsky
Bridge Starter Engine

Pragya Srivastava
EdTech Development

Leonid Isaev
Reasoner Starter Engine

Robert Meyerhoff
Math Advisor

David Gabai
Math Advisor

Khaled Saffouri

Arthur Lin

Scott Oki

Phil Cardman

John Cha

Murali Chirala
Board Member

Kim Fong
WiSE© upstack engine glues partner point solutions and augments with higher order features to co-create wicked solutions.